

General Rules:

  • All RA's are subject to a 10% restocking charge.
  • RA's are valid only when issued by a Pure Play Media (PPM) or IVD representative.
  • Request for RA must be by specific item, and must include the date each product was purchased, invoice number on which it was purchased, purchase price and discounts received, and reason for return.
  • Shipment must contain a detailed packing list by item and quantity. Packing list must identify items that are being returned as defective.
  • The Return Authorization number must be clearly marked on the outside of each carton. Returns cartons not clearly marked will be REFUSED and returned at customer's expense.
  • Shipments containing more than one carton must show the total number of cartons on each one. Example: 1 of 5; 2 of 5, etc.
  • Please ship all returns to:

    Pure Play Media, Inc - Attn: Returns
    7731 Hayvenhurst Ave.
    Van Nuys, CA 91406
  • PPM reserves the right to refuse returns for any reason.

Overstock product:

  • Returns must be sent freight prepaid to PPM. Return packages sent collect or using PPM's shipper number will be REFUSED and returned at customer's expense. PPM will not reimburse customer for freight costs to return overstock product.
  • No return allowed on rented product.
  • No overstock returns allowed on DVDs sold at sale or discounted prices.
  • All overstock DVDs must be in new, saleable condition, with all non-PPM stickers REMOVED. DVD product must be sealed in original over-wrap or PPM shrink wrap. Returns not conforming to these rules will be returned to the customer without credit.
  • To be eligible for return, overstock product must have been in the customer's possession no less than 60 days, or more than 120 Days.
  • A 20% stock rotation is allowed per quarter on DVD.

Defective product

  • No return allowed on rented product.
  • To be eligible for return, defective product must have been in the customer's possession no more than 120 Days.
  • A defective product is defined as one that contains a manufacturing defect that causes the item not to play as designed. Product that is worn or damaged as a result of misuse is not considered a manufacturing defect and will not be accepted for return.
  • Defective product may be returned on the same RA as Overstock returns, but must be physically separated from Overstock returns.
  • Each defective item must be clearly marked as "Defective" along with the specific problem for that item.
  • Defective items will be replaced with the identical item and quantity only. In the event that PPM is unable to replace the item, the item will be credited to the customer's account.

For more information, please contact your sales rep.